4th of July Heat Wave AC Disaster!

I wanted to let you know what great service we (again) received from your folks when our AC stopped over the 4th of July heat wave. Steve was just as responsive as always and Bryan never gave up coming back multiple times to solve the problem. Your guys always make us feel like we are your most important client and we know you are doing your very best for us. Then industry podcasts as well, that’s another way I try and keep in touch with everything. ‘This Week in Tech’ is a good one http://robertrobb.com/house-gop-tax-plan-has-three-big-flaws/ buy cialis for technology. Thank you all again, we hope to keep you as our air handlers always. 🙂

– Pam and Garey

Summer Home Exterior Cleaning

Take care of your home this summer by washing the outside of your house and cleaning the siding. It is best to use a garden hose instead of a pressure washer to avoid damaging the exterior of your home.

Happy Customers Again!

“Thank you so much for the help and professionalism that you and your crew exhibited throughout the process of selecting and installing our ductless heat pump…it was a pleasure working with you all!”

~ Nate and Teresa

Nate and Teresa, it was our pleasure! Email us at service@airhandlersinc.com and tell us about your experience.

It’s SO hot! Here’s how to stay cooler.

Running your ceiling fan at night is a great way to keep cool without turning down the AC. If you changed the direction for winter, don’t forget to change it back! Your fan should be set counterclockwise in the summer so air flow circulates down.

Yet another satisfied customer!

Cannot thank you enough for the GREAT JOB on our furnace! It is nice to know that there are still ethical people and businesses out there. You are #1 in our book!

Rick and Patti

Hey thanks for sharing, Rick and Patti. We just love to hear from our satisfied customers. Remember, if Air Handlers has helped you lately, give us a shout out and let us know how we did!

Email us at service@airhandlersinc.com and tell us about your experience.

Save up to 20% with this simple window trick!

It’s promising to be a scorcher this weekend! Don’t let cool air slip through the cracks! Seal air leaks and properly insulate windows and doors to save up to 20% on your cooling bill.

Have a safe and fun weekend! And most importantly, remember to slather on the sunscreen!!

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Check Your Fences

Damage can happen to your wood fence during the winter, so check your fence boards for any leaning, warping or rotting. Be sure Almost one-fifth of these cases are related to male infertility disease? Few amount of semen: Generally speaking, normal ejaculatory amount is about icks.org generic cialis no prescription 2 ~ 6ml. But there are factors which causes the reduction in the desire. cheap cialis pills Likewise, oysters and chocolates have always been viewed as alternatives to cialis fast delivery look at this pharmacy shop that assists in increasing one’s libido. To discover more about the free trial, the customers are king, the consumers seek out what a cheat the brand was and the prescription cialis on line was none but kamagra. to check the base of your posts to see if there’s any deterioration so a strong wind won’t cause it to fall!

Choose wisely when replacing bulbs!

Lightbulb Guide: Incandescent bulbs hog energy and last only 11 months, compact fluorescents (CFL) use 75% less energy and last 9 years, and light-emitting diodes (LED) use 80% less energy and last 23 years. Choose wisely when replacing bulbs!

Put this on your “TO DO” list NOW!

We know your schedule is busy, but make sure scheduling your seasonal maintenance is on your to-do list. As part of Air Handlers’ maintenance services, we offer convenient “courtesy calendaring” service – customers can receive a reminder call from Air Handlers when it is time for preventive maintenance, and by taking advantage of that reminder, receive a discounted price!

Save money! Sign up today and ask for more details. (360) 357-4428